Working for the Movement for Life Lab
A Quick Glance
A lab is a machine, and its lab members are the cogs that keep it together! In the Movement for Life lab, there are a variety of tasks to complete to fulfill our objectives. In this way, each employee will have slightly distinct roles that are equally integral to the success of this lab.
- Be flexible. This job may require you to become proficient in organizational and coordination skills and/or data synthesizing and programming skills to name a few. Expect to be constantly learning and putting these abilities to use.
- Be diligent. There will be many tasks to keep track of and falling behind can slow down lab processes. To maintain good workflow, try your best to operate in a timely, hardworking manner.
- Be a team player. You will develop a good working relationship with the other lab members, in turn creating an environment to produce efficiently in the lab space. There will be certain responsibilities and skills that your colleagues will not have, which you will effectively fill in the gaps and vice versa.
- Be curious. Part of the learning process is asking questions and being teachable. Do not be afraid to ask for help or to fully dive into the research process. There is a lot to take in when joining a lab, so ask questions constantly!
- Teamplayer
- Enthusiastic
- Diligent worker
- Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications
- CITI training (uponhire)
- FirstAid/CPR Certification (Preferred)
Roles and Responsibilities
Lab members have many distinct roles in the research process. One member may heavily focus on administrative and clerical work, whereas another may focus on analytical work. While there is a separation of roles, responsibilities of one employee will intertwine with their coworkers. Check out the list provided to get an idea of what your roles and responsibilities can be when joining the Movement for Life Lab.
Typical day on the job
The timeline of the lab’s research project will likely dictate most of your daily tasks as a research assistant or lab manager. If the study has not yet begun, lab employees may be focused on communicating with prospective participants and programming data collections tools like surveys and tests. If the study is underway or completed, many of the tasks can be analytical and heavily dependent on organizing and maintaining important records. This description is simplified, but the idea that the research process will influence your daily responsibilities remains true.
Please contact us by email if you are interested in joining our team!
Dr. Cristina Colón-Semenza - Principal Investigator